Friday, November 17, 2017

One year after my fellow citizens elected Donald Trump

At the one year point in his term, Trump so far has not brought down disaster as I predicted in the essay I wrote just before the election. The stock market has done great during his first year (benefiting investors such as me) and the economy has continued the slow pace of recovery that marked Obama's two terms. Despite the GOP having majorities in both houses of Congress, Trump and the GOP leadership have so far failed in getting significant laws passed, for which I'm grateful given the bills they attempted. If the so-called "tax reform" bill passes, it will help the rich (including Trump himself) and harm many people on the bottom while vastly increasing the US budget deficit. We aren't in a major new war. Manufacturing and mining jobs lost to global economic forces have not so far been restored. Trump's behavior as POTUS has been ridiculous and divisive. The Mueller investigation has indicted 3 people affiliated with his presidential campaign with others (e.g., Flynn) sure to follow. Whether members of his administration and/or family will be indicted remains to be seen. Trump has attempted to undo everything Obama did administratively, putting people of dubious character and qualifications into top post and implementing policies on the environment, education, immigration, trade, and the internet (I'm probably leaving some important areas out) that I believe will produce very negative results over time for our country and the world at large. A moderate Republican senator characterized Trump as "a toxic clown." Having a President with his character defects is dangerous and destructive to our future. May we muddle through until wisdom prevails.