Friday, July 27, 2018

July 26, 2018 (Faithful Moon)

Here I am, Faithful Moon.
and there you are again, too.
How lovely you were last night
floating above the roof of our house
here in Baton Rouge,
just as the day before
you graced my sky
above a sublime
and tranquil meditation spot
on the side of the tall hill
beside the ancient bastide
of Tournon d'Aganais.

A mortal being of my kind
might well think
that after 4.5 billion years
of circling, circling, circling,
floating, floating, floating,
gazing down unceasingly
by night and by day, too,
watching over every part 
of this charming garden of an island,
watching the lightning strikes
galvanize the foaming soup
to form seething protein puddles
wherein clumps of cells
 glopped into bundles
and after a few more hundreds of millions
of orbits
spewed forth improbable plants
followed a few million more
by a genius's mad parade
of every imaginable permutation
of fantastic creatures
swimming in the warm seas,
crawling up onto the bare land,
devouring one another,
being devoured,
coming and going,
coming and going,
appearing and disappearing,
until just a whisper in time ago
my eccentric little kind
 emerged from the forest
and spread inexorably
in desperately surviving bands
like a blanket of water
all the way
to each and every corner
of all those imperceptibly drifting land masses,
on the path to becoming their rulers.

(I saw the immortal work they left
in the dark cavern of Pech Merle
I saw the mammoths,
the horses, the bears,
I saw those hands...
their hands...
the hands of an artist)

Yes, after all those hundreds
of thousands
of millions
of transits,
one might well think
a Moon would become a little weary.

But, someone who looks
a little longer
and a little deeper
knows better,
someone like
 Foolish men insult you
and falsely call you "pale"
and "weak"
and "the lesser celestial ruler;"
but, I know who you are,
my wise
and patient
Queen of the Heart.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

National Lampoon French Vacation: First day of Week 2

The original title of the previous post was Outdone. It was going to be about how rude and disruptive my oldest child has been to us, especially me, on this vacation. I don't want to write about it at this moment but it's been pretty astounding how ugly she's been.

Part of the fast developing story lines

Quite a bit has been happening since my last entry. I may or may not have written that we flew to Barcelona on July 3 and arrived on the morning of July 4 at 830am local time without incident.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

All night meditation at 40,000 feet

I opted not to take trazadone on the flight last evening and consequently did not sleep at all. I thought and I thought and I meditated and I thought and I thought some more. I didn't want to stop thinking. So many ideas ran through my mind, circled around and ran through it again. I'm so tired now I don't want to write them all down. I can say a recurring thought was I just need to trust her.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Should I do it?

Message as we take off for Spain:

"Hi, hope things are still going great. Mistah Boux asked me to see if you would mind monitoring the Northern Hemisphere while I'm in Europe? If it's too much trouble, no problem, but there isn't much to it- you just have to keep an eye on things. It's pretty entertaining to watch the monitor when the staff of the White House are hiding under their desks while Asshole runs around waving his little hands and screaming with his fly unzipped and nothing flopping out. I also find it amusing watching them making shit up instead of reading what's on the daily CIA briefing papers like, for example, just today the headline said 'North Koreans brazenly flaunting agreement to denuke.' "OK, Pence, what's it say on that piece of paper?" "Well, sir, the CIA did a stealth poll and found your popularity has reached a new high- 93%. You're in first place way ahead of let's see... Jesus Christ." "Yeah? Where's Obama?" "In last place, sir, at 0.01%. Two Americans still like him." Fuck you Pence, I want to see my rating at 99.9% within a week, is that clear you pissant? And have Obama and his two fans taken out behind the Washington Monument and shot. Didn't I tell you to do that yesterday! You're fired, you sorry hypocritical ass kissing dumbfuck!" "Yessir, boss!" Snivel, snivel.

The only part I find a bit challenging is resisting the urge to transport the whole degenerate bunch by UFO to the Deep Personality Reconstruction Center on Uranus for 6 years of intensive rearrangement under the direction of Mistress Svetlana. While she's certainly a deadly badass with a whip, I'm not even sure THAT would be sufficient; but, Mistah Boux assures me it won't be necessary as he has a ingenious secret plan underway to take care of the entire problem. Unfortunately, it's too sensitive for anyone below the rank of Harpy to be in on it, so I'm having to wait until it goes down to find out. Anyway, I'm going on radio silence, so if you have questions, you can message Mistah Boux via his home page, which, of course, is just a front for the Benevolent Intergalactic Conspiracy of which he's Supreme Cosmic Mastermind. Ole!


Will (my current alias, fyi).

PS Prince and Jimi said hi."

I don't know if this is a good idea, probably not.... but I did it anyway.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Being an introvert (comment on a Facebook post)

The thing is, we live "in here." Occasionally we feel the need to spend a little time "out there." It's kind of like climbing a ladder from our secret world into the one other people hang out in. It's great for awhile until a buzzer sounds saying time to climb back down the ladder and chill for a bit. A bit may last several days during which we entertain ourselves just fine, thank you. People who thrive living "out there" may not even realize there's an "in here" that's more real to us than "our there." (How'd I do describing it?) 💜💜💜

Of empires and grief

July is here,
the month of Caesar,
Julius Caesar that is.
Julius Caesar, as you know, was assassinated
by supposed friends of his.
They thought he had gotten too big
for his flowing white toga
and that he was destroying the republic,
the kind of case the haters made
when they went after Obama.
Those deluded fools would have stabbed Obama
if they'd gotten the chance.
I love Obama,
best President I'm likely ever to have.
And Michelle was incredible, as well,
a First Lady like we'll never see again.
The country has lost its mind.

At least Julius got his name on a month,
a very hot month way down here
in the Land of Dreams.

After they killed him,
Julius's friends and enemies all scrambled
to be the top Roman dog.
Arf, arf.
When the dust of war settled on the bloodshed,
the result was Augustus Caesar,
an authoritarian wunderkind.
Augustus declared himself a god!
and people bought in
(people can be so absurdly willing to go along
with obvious lunacy),
so Augustus commandeered the next month
way back when Rome was the world's bully.

August is also very damn hot.

But it's only July 1st
and the summer heat in Baton Rouge is brutal today,
relentless, like the Roman Legions
when they wanted to expand the Empire
or put down one of the endless revolts
by those who didn't wish to be in on the honor;
or like the Assyrians, Hittites, Babylonians,
Mongols, Crusaders;
or any of the European countries that sliced up Africa
and everywhere else they could manage to slice
or just plain swallow up,
in order to exploit the people and resources
in the name of civilization and culture.
It's what groups of humans tend to do.
The UK taking over India was an impressive example,
divide and conquer,
a time-tested method;
Cortez used it to vanquish the Aztecs
who vastly outnumbered his tiny band of Spanish centaurs,
like the Republicans who've hijacked my country
despite being a decided minority
dominated by old white guys
backed by other white guys,
shadowy white guys
with profoundly deep pockets
that get ever deeper.

Officially it's 93 Fahrenheit outside
because us United States of Americans
still want to be exceptional.
We can't let the world think it's kicking us around
by getting us to adopt Celsius
or the damn Metric System,
much less by our submitting
to the judgment of the World Court.
I mean, we just quit the UN Human Rights Council.
Fuck human rights, Pedro.

Actually, however, we're the ones who've done most of the kicking;
and our exalted President,
(exalted primarily by himself
and by those who like the boorish way he talks)
is still trying to bully the rest of the world.
Seriously, he's trying to bully Europe, Canada, Mexico,
Japan, South Korea
and probably some others I'm leaving out,
all at the same time!
basically, all of our allies
who don't have ruthless strongmen
running authoritarian governments
and/or kleptocracies,
plus China,
which does have a strongman in charge.
Our self-exalted President likes dictators,
obviously, he would love to be one,
better, yet, an Emperor!
He'd like to declare himself a god
if he hasn't already, in effect, done so.

I'm not worried about that part.
I believe he'll be locked up before it ever happens.
The question is, how much damage will be done
before "the fall" follows his pride
down the drain of history?