Monday, July 2, 2018

Should I do it?

Message as we take off for Spain:

"Hi, hope things are still going great. Mistah Boux asked me to see if you would mind monitoring the Northern Hemisphere while I'm in Europe? If it's too much trouble, no problem, but there isn't much to it- you just have to keep an eye on things. It's pretty entertaining to watch the monitor when the staff of the White House are hiding under their desks while Asshole runs around waving his little hands and screaming with his fly unzipped and nothing flopping out. I also find it amusing watching them making shit up instead of reading what's on the daily CIA briefing papers like, for example, just today the headline said 'North Koreans brazenly flaunting agreement to denuke.' "OK, Pence, what's it say on that piece of paper?" "Well, sir, the CIA did a stealth poll and found your popularity has reached a new high- 93%. You're in first place way ahead of let's see... Jesus Christ." "Yeah? Where's Obama?" "In last place, sir, at 0.01%. Two Americans still like him." Fuck you Pence, I want to see my rating at 99.9% within a week, is that clear you pissant? And have Obama and his two fans taken out behind the Washington Monument and shot. Didn't I tell you to do that yesterday! You're fired, you sorry hypocritical ass kissing dumbfuck!" "Yessir, boss!" Snivel, snivel.

The only part I find a bit challenging is resisting the urge to transport the whole degenerate bunch by UFO to the Deep Personality Reconstruction Center on Uranus for 6 years of intensive rearrangement under the direction of Mistress Svetlana. While she's certainly a deadly badass with a whip, I'm not even sure THAT would be sufficient; but, Mistah Boux assures me it won't be necessary as he has a ingenious secret plan underway to take care of the entire problem. Unfortunately, it's too sensitive for anyone below the rank of Harpy to be in on it, so I'm having to wait until it goes down to find out. Anyway, I'm going on radio silence, so if you have questions, you can message Mistah Boux via his home page, which, of course, is just a front for the Benevolent Intergalactic Conspiracy of which he's Supreme Cosmic Mastermind. Ole!


Will (my current alias, fyi).

PS Prince and Jimi said hi."

I don't know if this is a good idea, probably not.... but I did it anyway.

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