Sunday, September 23, 2018

To Liz Hogan after reading her poetry booklet

Hi, Liz, I don't know why it took me so long to read your poetry booklet. It crossed my mind any number of times but today I remembered. On Friday, I played at an open mic called OMG (Original Music Group) held every Friday at LaDivina Cafe on Perkins at South Acadian in Baton Rouge, very near our house. A very accomplished singer/songwriter/guitarist who often plays was there, a guy I like and admire as a musician; and, I bought a self-published poetry book of his he was offering for whatever anyone wished to pay. He was charmingly gratified. I read a few of his poems yesterday and they were nice, OK, heartfelt but, well, lacking something.. inspiration, a unique perspective, the crack of the verbal whip, something interesting that hasn't already been said...maybe they lacked enough pain. Anyway, today, I read your booklet. You might think I'm prejudiced in your favor but, seriously, your poetry is SO much better. I understood much of what you were saying but even where I didn't, your artful strings of words evoked feeling and meaning, conveyed the quiet ferocity of your personality, broke in unexpected directions that resonated with aesthetic sensibility. I feel like I know you pretty well, I've had substantive conversations with you, listened to and played your songs (and have told you how much I like and admire you as a musician, not to mention as a human being) and I've been through and still go through the kinds of struggles with self and society sensitive, insightful, ethical people like us undergo, things I feel in your words. Writing poetry is scary, intimidating. Your poetry is fiercely beautiful, absolutely authentic, it's you. Thanks so much for sharing it with me. Owen

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