Friday, January 3, 2020

On being told what we already know

An Episcopal priest once told me that the target audience of his sermons was himself. To me, the lessons learned through hard experience are like little rocks we carry around in our pockets. When we start to lose our grounding from all the noise, we can stick a hand in our pocket, touch the stone, and be reminded there's something plain and solid that endures through the confusion. If we carry enough of them around, they might keep us from floating away...

And, it helps to be reminded of things we already know. You and all the people I pay attention to aren't sharing your thoughts to impress people- you're sharing them because you're generous and you hope what you know from conscientious study and hard experience might make a difference for someone. And clearly it does. I hope the same for the thoughts I share, that someone who reads them will feel affirmed and not so alone in the struggle.

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