Monday, August 17, 2015

Mental vs physical

The mind-body dichotomy is a questionable distinction but, like the idea of free will, it makes common sense. I operate very comfortably in the private world of the mind whereas dealing with objects and people outside of myself is more challenging. When I'm doing something like recording an original song, working with my stamp collection or setting up my new music studio (the converted garage apartment and automobile bay), I tend to focus on the goal while creating disorder around myself. I've often joked about hiring someone to follow me around cleaning up the mess.

When I do focus on taking care of business in the objective world, I'm actually good at it. I'm insightful and able to see ways to do things efficiently and effectively. The caveat is I become fatigued fairly quickly (I'm an introvert with bad posture) and have to take breaks to relax my body and reload my neurotransmitters. In an ideal world, I would have dedicated assistants to carry out my plans; but, another weakness is I don't like to manage people and tell them what to do if they don't have a lot of initiative to help and please me in the first place. My vision of the optimal society doesn't involve me being the CEO.

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