Saturday, October 29, 2016

War isn't going anywhere

"Only the dead have seen the end of war." George Santayana

The incentives for leaders of powerful countries favor the continuation of war rather than establishment of peace. The international dynamics are not noticeably different than for leaders of the empires who started World War 1.

Don’t be vulnerable to other countries.
Arm your country as strongly as possible.
Be prepared in case a war breaks out.
Strike first if war is imminent.
Money is to be made from manufacturing and selling arms at home and abroad.
National pride and pragmatic incentives (land, money, power, resources) leads countries to compete and threaten one another.

Internal dynamics of countries also encourage armed violence.

Leaders who are perceived to be strong and nationalistic are popular, other things being equal.
Leaders with strong military and police forces are likely to use them to stay in power.

Leaders are not inclined to compromise, give up territory or give up claims to territory through negotiation in the absence of armed threat.

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