Monday, March 18, 2019

My memories of the B-52s

Yesterday (Sunday March 17) I gave an 80-minute narrative over to phone to Tom Maxwell, a writer hired by the B-52s to write a book composed of oral history interviews by the band and their friends. I took the task to heart, preparing on Friday and Saturday by writing chronological notes from memory and researching Tom online. He had a moderately successful career as a singer-songwriter-guitarist with Squirrel Nut Zippers, a 1990s neo-swing band  Tom wrote the band's most popular songs, then left the band and had to sue for royalties he was owed, winning the suit after a 5-year legal battle. The interview flowed smoothly with Tom needing few questions to keep me rolling. Rather than write about what I said, I will efit my notes slightly and post them as a separate entry.

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