Thursday, July 7, 2016

Idyllic Scotland

I'm writing aboard a Virgin East Coast train from Edinburgh to London, UK after spending the past 10 days in Scotland. Mary Lou and I are vacationing with old friends, Frank and Laura Gresham, who approached us about this trip last summer. I had mixed feelings about the trip but traveling to my ancestral homeland appealed to me. What made me hesitant was the overstimulating pace of travel, the responsibility for my mother's estate hanging over my head, and ambivalence about being yoked to Laura Gresham, who has a good heart but an anxiety driven loquacity. I must concede Scotland is a beautiful country, albeit with a violent and tragic history. So far I've attempted little other than riding around on trains and busses admiring the buildings and landscapes from Edinburgh to Inverness to the Isle of Skye and over to the west coast at Inverary as well as points in between, lochs and glens, mountains and rivers. It's all documented in photos that look like oil paintings
on my Facebook page. We spend the next three nights in London prior to flying home on Sunday.

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