Sunday, March 18, 2018

Dreams and more dreams

 I really should start writing down my dreams regularly. I'm remembering clear dreams almost every day, especially when I wake up at the time Mary Lou gets up for her Tread classes and go back to sleep for an hour or so. This morning I dreamed I was visiting my old Sunday school class. I didn't recognize anyone but I seemed to be given special guest treatment, specifically, the opportunity to address the class. I started acknowledging that I seldom attend any more. It seems I was going to discuss my current spiritual status but I don't remember anything further. In another dream, Mary Lou and I were walking around a shopping area of a resort of some kind with a wealthy couple a little older than us. The wife offered to pay for something and I said "Oh, that's OK." She said in a friendly manner, "We probably have more than you." I thought this was true and replied, "We're both very fortunate, or very blessed, if you will." We were leaving this place and walking up what seemed to to be a hill. I glanced down and saw their was a steep precipice going down a long way to our right. Immediately, I started sliding down the side toward what looked like probable death. However, I managed to stop my slide when I came to a narrow ledge after 20 yards or so. It seemed I could cling to the ledge until someone managed to rescue me.

I feel like I could remember more details if I didn't wait all day to write down the dreams. For months, I've allowed myself to drift through my mornings, sitting in a chair in the living room reading the news and engaging with my friends on Facebook. I can get away with that without serious repercussions; but, I have a number of meaningful things I feel I could or should be doing, e.g., our taxes, practicing my music, working on audio for more video clips of the Dr. Morpheus Rides Again performance last October, working on self-publishing my novel. Today I felt somewhat discombobulated and out of synch with myself. I did spend a good bit of constructive time working on one of my philatelic projects involving letter covers sent from Cameroon with hexagonal postmarks. I've also worked on organizing, recording, and writing about my collection of American Presbyterian West Africa Mission postcards from 1911-1913. Both of these projects could easily be made into research articles or stamp show exhibits. Maybe I will contact Marty Bratzel for advice on the projects.

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