Friday, March 9, 2018

Top 10 reasons people still support Trump

10) "I don't care what he does in his free time. Trump's moral degeneracy is not relevant to his performance as POTUS."

9) "I also don't care if he laundered money for Russian gangsters of whom Putin is the Godfather or if he actually did collude with Cozy Bear, Fancy Bear and Wikileaks to release stolen email and documents at strategic times during the 2016 campaign and/or obstructed justice. Too bad, I actually think it's funny."

8) "I won't believe the allegations of moral degeneracy are true until I see a video of Trump romping with Stormy."

7) OK, but what about stiffing contractors and extracting cash from investors and governments for his failed developments such as Atlantic City casino hotels, then declaring bankruptcy and leaving taxpayers with the tab? "I don't know anything about all that. I don't have time to fact check every accusation made by the lying liberal media."

6) OK, but what about the scam called Trump University? "There's no such things as Trump University- stop making things up!"

5) "He has now repented of his sins and accepted Jesus as his personal savior, so what he did in the past has been made white as the driven snow."

4) "I only watch Fox News and Sean Hannity says all that stuff is lies and the Mueller is an agent of the deep state." 

3) "Whatever Trump has done, is doing and may do in the future, Hillary was worse."

2) "He may be a reprobate but I like his Supreme Court appointment, the big tax cut, his stance against letting Muslims into the country, the plan to put armed teachers into public schools and the pro-business cuts in government regulations he's making."

1) "The f'ing Wall! Finally, no more rapists who can't even speak English pouring in to take our country away!"

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