Friday, March 23, 2018

May 23, 2013 to Paul Ershler (who died in November 2017, I just learned)

Reply to Paul Ershler

Thanks, Norm,

According to the Gospel of John (for what it's worth), "I am in the Father and the Father is in me; I am in you and you are in me."

 I like to think of this as

"the creative agency permeates, defines and transcends everything."

The very existence of anything seems illogical to me, suggesting my logic process is limited in scope. I'm left with believing something beyond my cognitive understanding is making all this happen but I can't fully grasp who, what or how, I can only grasp the patterns of what is through being open to learning. The vulnerable state we're always in points (to me) toward having hope and faith, not trying to grasp and hold onto anything ephemeral (i.e., everything in the life except truth), and trusting that something so incomprehensibly creative wouldn't be doing all this just to give you and me a hard time :)

 Just my thoughts!

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