Monday, October 12, 2020

Here I am

This morning I'm back at Dr. Fivgas' office waiting to see him. On Wednesday I'll be in Naples, Florida for a presurgical appointment with Dr. William Smiddy ahead of procedure #6 on Thursday to remove scar tissue behind the artificial lens in my left eye that blocks light from reaching my retina and also prevents fluid from circulating in that eye, resulting in zero intraocular pressure. My hope is the procedure will restore fluid circulation and allow a determination of whether the retina can still produce useful vision. However, Dr. Smiddy intends to inject clear silicone oil again to prevent collapse of the eyeball. The oil will cause distortion in whatever vision the retina generates.Thus, in the best case scenario, I still won't have useful vision in my left eye. Why do it? I won't end up any worse visually and it might result in some degree of improvement. I don't want to give up before I've played all my cards.

Jane Kelley is flying down on Wednesday to accompany me during and after the procedure at my expense. It's very kind of Jane who has been spending time with us almosr every day since she came out of alcohol rehab recently. She's been very pleasant and helpful. She, Mary Lou and I watch BBC detective shows (Inspector  Lewis, Midsomer Murders and Vera) in the evenings. I print out cast lists from IMDB for them so we can keep the characters straight.

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