Sunday, October 18, 2020

Realistic dream from this morning

I was with Robert Cook and Ginger Adams Suarez in a large room at a day program of some kind, perhaps it was a senior citizens center. It's not clear why we were there but it seems to have been voluntary. No authority figures were in evidence. We were practicing for a presentation of some kind where our part was to sing choruses of "Under the sea." Ginger had a little cassette recorder we were listening to. Ginger played the tape but the song wasn't the familiar version from Disney's film "The little mermaid" where it was a sung by Sebastian the Crab. There was a long intro with instrumental sections between verses. I was listening for choruses that never happened. I commented perhaps it was a recording of a live production. I was somewhat concerned about being unprepared for the presentation and being embarrassed by doing poorly. Then, Ginger informed us she had to leave early this day for an appointment. I questioned her about that and when she was vague about it I jokingly said, "So you have a date?" She said no with a bemused smirk. I thought about asking Robert if he wanted to go with me and see where I lived. A group of school age girls was sitting around long tables. One girl had a batch of pastries and coffee cakes. I looked at them and thought about asking her for one but didn't.

My thoughts about the dream:  It reflects my current life (being retired and free to do as I wish; engaging in activities that are more about staying engaged rather than producing significant results; feeling disorganized and aimless) and my concerns about aging. Robert and Ginger are in Owen's Geopolitical Analysis Group on Facebook. Robert is a nearly homeless artist. Ginger is my high school girlfriend who is still a good friend via social media. The connection between the three of us feels comfortable and natural. The setting is reminiscent of Baton Rouge Council on Aging where the BR Stamp Club used to meet. We are working on something that seems lacking in importance other than providing entertainment to an audience.  I'm concerned about the social impression we'll make if we are disorganized and awkward in front of an audience. It's not clear who that audience will be; but, my anxiety is about me rather than the specific audience.  

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