Tuesday, September 7, 2021

It doesn't matter if

That's the working title of my new song. I recorded two acoustic guitars and a vocal track for a very rough demo in C major,  the key I wrote it in. C is low for my voice so I tried it in D which was better. Therefore, I will redo the demo in D. I'm still ambivalent about the song but I will press on with it and see what happens. 

There were more dreams this morning.  I was in a hospital for unknown reasons as there didn't seem to be anything wrong with me.  A young female technician came to administer a cognitive test. Along with Mary Lou and another person,  I was given a handset with a numeric keypad. The object of the test was to press a button with the number 8 every time I saw a certain visual stimulus. The test started but I couldn't identify the 8 on my handset. I fiddled with the handset, which seemed to change confusingly, attempting to find it without success.  This preoccupied my attention so I was oblivious to the visual stimuli. The test ended quickly while I was struggling with the handset. Obviously I'd failed the test and I began to protest that the test was invalid. "I know about testing! I've taken psychometrics! I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology!" At the same time I wondered if something was wrong with my perception. Would this result in my being kept in the hospital?

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