Monday, September 6, 2021

What to make of all these dreams?

In my late youth around age 20, I stumbled upon Carl Jung's Man and his symbols at the UGA bookstore, this event leading to a radical altering of the trajectory of my life in a way that eventuated in all of the material and social success I've enjoyed. Jung made sense to me of the human race and inspired me to take up collegiate studies and pursue graduate school and a career as a psychotherapist. Before embarking on that career path, I bought heavily into his concept of the unconscious as a mechanism of inner guidance that communicated with the conscious psyche via dreams, fantasies, spontaneous ideas and even through meaningful coincidences such as picking up the book and glancing through it and, later on, seeing an article about Ginger Adams receiving an undergraduate reward from the UGA Psychology Department. I became a popular amateur dream analyst for my friends, impressing them with my skills and insight.

My formal studies in Psychology led me away from depth psychology although the concepts (inner guidance, characters in dreams and fantasies representing parts of oneself, the process of individuation leading to psychological wholeness) and methods (active imagination) I had internalized remained important elements in my professional thinking and practice. In my 37 years of practice, I utilized dream interpretation and active imagination extensively with good results. In my creative work since 2005, the concept of the Muse lurking in the background and gifting me with words and music represents an extension of the Jungian idea of unconscious guidance from within. 

All of this brings me to the question of whether I should engage intentionally with the frequent images and stories that come up in my dreams.  I'm not very satisfied with my daily life since retirement and I know how to think about and work with dreams; so, why am I not giving these cryptic gifts more of my attention and energy? It might help and it can't hurt, can it?

Here's what I have to work with today- the song I wrote about in the previous post and some dreams I had this morning.  What I recall of the latter is:

I was seeing patients in my clinical practice. Two couples showed up at the same hour. One consisted of a man who saw me individually bringing his partner, whom he wanted me to meet, to the session for the first time. The other was a couple who came together, ostensibly for work on their relationship. I decided to see them all together and take them on some kind of therapeutic outing. Next thing I knew, we were riding horses on some kind of unpaved path. We stopped and I dismounted. My horse seemed to shrink into a pony the size of a medium-sized dog. Someone, possibly me, picked the pony up and hugged it as we commented on it's cuteness. Next, we were at another office and one or both of the couples decided to consult a different kind of professional, a woman practicing something having to do with speech, in the middle of our therapy session. I considered this, thinking aloud that I was OK with this if they wanted to but they would need to pay my fee plus the fee the other professional charged for me.  That's where it ended.

I am getting ready to use the leaf blower to clear our patio, so I will return to this material later on today (or at least that's the plan).

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