Sunday, April 19, 2020

Irregular updates

I had a dream the morning of April 10 I was with Laura M in a town in South Carolina in a car I was driving. The town seemed familiar like I had visited it before. We wanted to drive back to Athens but weren't sure which highway to take. There were several options with numbered road signs but no indication of where they led. We finally picked one but after a short stretch decided to stop and consult a map from the glove compartment. We looked at the map trying to decide where we were because we didn't seem to know the name of the town! While doing that we were kidding around in a friendly and affectionate manner, a lot like in waking life. 

I haven't written much since the COVID-19 pandemic hit Louisiana shortly after Mardi Gras. It has occurred to me I should copy more of my Facebook posts and comments into this blog- I post quite a bit every day and often that's where my creativity, insight, and humor is channeled. Someone researching my life would find out a whole lot about me from Facebook and Instagram including where I've traveled and what I do almost every day.

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