Friday, August 27, 2021

Waiting for the hurricane

Once more Louisiana is in the path of a major hurricane, this one named Ida. The predictive models are strongly projecting a landfall and inland path that will pass through Baton Rouge. We can expect heavy rain, strong winds and power outages starting early Monday. We're on high ground and have our generator so we should be able to ride the storm out safely in relative comfort. People along the coast and inland flood zones will not fare so well.

I'm not worried about it. I'm not worried about much of anything. I've become more stoic and fatalistic in recent years, especially since retiring from practice. I often have the thought that my life is essentially finished. I've proven I could make it in American society. I've gone as far as I'm likely to go with my music. My children are all outstanding women, successful professionals in good life situations, achieving the things they strive toward. What is left for me to prove, to accomplish? In a way, nothing. If I die today I've done enough. I've had an enviable life for which I'm grateful. I'm reconciled to God and mostly to humankind. But there are meaningful things I'd like to do. I'd like to find energy and to apply it with more discipline. I know this is possible. I want to put my mind to it.

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