Monday, August 3, 2020

Questions for Dr. Fivgas

I'm concerned about damage that may have occurred due to having 5 procedures since 2.2019. The left side of my left eye is still tender since the last procedure. I'd like to develop a clear idea of the state of my eye and what steps are possible to address the functional deficits I'm experiencing. 

1) Am I correct in understanding that a significant part of my retina never detached? If so, why wouldn't that part process light normally? 

2) Is the fluid in my eye murky? Does that account for why I see as if through a frosted glass or murky water? 

3) If the intraocular fluid is murky, what is making it murky? Is there a definitive way to determine this?

4) If the intraocular fluid is murky, is there a way to replace it with clear liquid? 

5) If so, what are the risks associated with the procedure(s)?

 6) Is there a way to determine why the intraocular pressure is low?

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