Monday, June 18, 2018

Final version

Announcement: I am going to attempt a short break from Facebook and Instagram... two social media vices of choice, so I can focus on getting some important things done having to do with our upcoming vacation, major retirement decisions etc. I say attempt because I really am addicted to the positive reinforcement of social media. I can only go a very short before I feel a strong compulsion to open the apps and see what's going on. When I look up, big chunks of time have gone "poof!" Even one day without checking Facebook is an iffy proposition. In addition, I'm distractible and I don't multitask very well (that may be the same thing).

So, wish me luck and you very close friends who follow my stuff closely, don't fret, I'm fine. Seriously, I may not even be able to stay away for an entire day; but, if you don't see my usual outpouring of posts and comments for a day or two, it's all good.

 PS. Be good while I'm away. I'm leaving the fluffy gray cat in charge and he's a badass.

 PPS. If I don't reply to the kind messages of support some of you sweet people will leave as comments, I will when I check back.

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