Monday, June 18, 2018

Time for a break (first draft)

Some of my friends find they have to take breaks from social media or quit completely because the posts and comments of other people distress and offend them. I see what they see but I'm able to avoid and ignore most of that stuff. Others of us find ourselves spending inordinate amounts of time staring at and typing into our phones or devices, whether we are enjoying the activity or not. I do enjoy social media most of the time. However, the little doses of positive reinforcement we get are addictive; and. the truth is, I'm hooked. The problem is, even though much good comes from it, difficulty keeping the amount of time spent on it contained often keeps me from engaging productively in other important aspects of my life. I bet you're surprised I'm saying that. But it's true. Without going into a long explanation, I am going to attempt a short break from Facebook and Instagram, my two vices of choice, so I can focus on getting some things done. I say attempt because I really am addicted to these things. I can only go a short time before I have a compulsion, i.e., a strong urge to open the apps and see what's going on. Poof- I'm drawn in and the when I look up, chunks of time have been consumed. Going one day without checking Facebook is an iffy proposition. Why not just check and post on some sort of schedule? Because that's a lot of trouble and I don't do things halfway very well. So, don't worry. I'm perfectly fine and this is a positive idea. I may not even be able to do it but; if you don't see my usual outpouring of posts and comments for a day or two, it's all good. And if you need to get in touch, message me. Later, my friends, be good while I'm away.

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