Sunday, June 17, 2018

The pain (comments about the Rolling Stones' "Tell me")

Back in the dim past, even the Rolling Stones wrote sincere sounding songs about being dumped and begging for another chance. In their case, that phase didn't last for long.

I forgot to mention, I really like listening to this song, it's right up my alley, the one behind Heartbreak Hotel... The truth, though, is I might have had those thoughts but, I've never begged someone to take me back. I just took the pain while realizing I didn't want to be with someone who didn't want to be with me. I was never vindictive, either. And my respect and affection didn't change. If I care, I'm not going to stop caring because we went separate ways. I'm sure it would have been different had any of them seriously mistreated me, or if I discovered in time they weren't who I thought they were; but, it was never like that.

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