Saturday, June 30, 2018

Imaginary conversations

I caught myself having one a short while ago.

Her: So how are things going?

Me: The easiest way to find out would be to look at the posts on my Facebook page for the past few days. It's a little awkward making discreet "likes" and "loves" on significant things you post when I know you're not doing the same on mine, even though I've posted some things that are very meaningful to me during this time. I'm not jumping to conclusions about why you don't seem to be looking at anything I post but naturally I wonder what's going on with you.

Of course, this conversation isn't going to happen because she is not going to initiate it. I've pretty much decided I will not comment on anything she posts and I will avoid even seeing what she posts by not visiting her page, as I've been doing. I may never hear anything from her again, who knows? But I'm going to suck it up and wait until such time as she acknowledges I still exist.

Am I angry? Maybe a little, my feelings are certainly hurt. But I have no right to expect her to pay attention to what I'm doing, she's got plenty going on in her life and she takes care of her friends via social media, the way I take care of mine. If I'm not a total hypocrite, I will still practice unconditional love and acceptance of her to the best of my ability. And I'm not a total hypocrite- I'm doing my best to live according to my standards of love and ethics. Because that's how I want to live and I still think she's the best.

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