Thursday, December 13, 2018

Dream fragment from this morning

I was at a conference of some kind with some colleagues and possibly Mary Lou. I decided to leave and drive (or maybe ride a bicycle) to a house that belonged to me on the other side of town. I entered and met two female housekeepers who worked for me. I was planning to return to the conference and was looking for a ticket to the event. Some other male and female servants appeared and jumped in obsequiously to help me look. However, it occurred to me I could return to the event and get in without the ticket.

I started to leave when I saw Stephanie Skinner also walking out of the house wearing a winter coat and pulling a suitcase. "You're leaving!" I called out. "I never see you and I didn't even get to talk to you. Where are you going?" "Nashville," she replied. I approached to give her a friendly hug. Her face was very pretty and turned toward me. Impulsively, I started to kiss her on the mouth but she turned her head away and I felt embarrassed. "Just a kiss on the cheek," I said sheepishly as if that's what I intended all along. I left and started riding a bicycle back to the event. I was gliding along when I saw a multi-story building with a sign on a door on the 3rd floor that said Book Store. I stopped and approached the building, then realized the whole complex was an evangelical church. Although I wasn't interested in visiting a church, I walked up outdoor stairs to a landing on the 3rd floor, then descended rather agilely down the side of the building rather than taking the stairs again.

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