Sunday, December 9, 2018

Thoughts about KB

Written Dec 1 and sent via Messenger.

One of the endearing things about Kate Bush is she's very British. The British have a long tradition of eccentric artists as well as pacifists, protestors, and feminists (I don't know if Kate Bush is a feminist or not). The book I mentioned "To end all wars" follows the lives of some notable ones like Bertrand Russell and the Pankhurst ladies.

If someone asked me what it is about KB that makes her appealing, I wouldn't have said she's hot or beautiful. Thinking about this, the first 3 adjectives that came to mind were fascinating,  amazing and quirky. I wouldn't even say KB is hot or beautiful in a conventional sense (think Shakira). Not that she isn't those things but her appeal to me (and I would think to most guys who are drawn to her) is deeper and more... holistic or transcendent and complex than those relatively superficial qualities. It's more like at moments beautiful and sexy flash through the constantly shifting visual and musical images she projects. And the moments of exaggerated movements and expressions and pronunciation and vocal gymnastics aren't the sexy ones, at least to me. They're more comical, more reminiscent of Lucille Ball than Carolyn Jones. It's complicated...

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