Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Strange Phenomena

Side 1, Track 3. from "The Kick Inside." The recording starts with tinkling piano creating a dreamy ambiance reminiscent of modern show tunes. That feel continues as it segues into a chorus constituting the hook: "Raise your hands to the strange phenomena."  I couldn't understand many of the lyrics listening with headphones. I'll look them up to understand better what Kate is saying. Doing so I learn it's "Raise our hats..." "On mani padme hum (or properly om mani padme hum)" I discover "invokes the embodiment of compassion." This one isn't as strong as the other songs on The Kick Inside I've listened to thus far.  However, I've had so many inexplicable experiences of synchronicity, I'm more than happy to raise my imaginary hat to the strange phenomena.

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