Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Man with the Child in his Eyes

Written Nov 25, 2018 and sent via Messenger

Before starting on professional matters. I listened to "The man with the child in his eyes" eyes closed with headphones, then with the video. I recalled reading she wrote this at age 13! Impressions: lush flowing piano chords, a   spontaneous association with the many patients who talked about abusers coming into their rooms at night... quickly dispelled by the uplifting emotional energy. "lost on some horizon" references "The Lost Horizon," the novel and movie about the mythical hidden land of Shangri-La.

Visually, the bodysuit with modest earrings and necklace conveys vulnerability. 💜 her British accent (I'm a sucker for them) and voice leaping up to "child" every time. I'm the millionth person to marvel at her writing this at 13.

Third time. Her face flows through changes that seem like she becomes different people, always feeling familiar as if I know all these people. Miming wings flapping to "child" evoking... you know what it evokes 😘 Reminding me of the quote from Hesse I recently posted. Image of embryo pose melts into Rorschach inkblot. Whew! Maybe I'll listen one more time eyes closed before morphing into responsible professor and psychologist. Life is a bitch and then you retire if you live long enough. 😉

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