Thursday, December 13, 2018

The downside of teaching Honors 2000

It's raining here and my day is free of structure. I'm listening to The Kick Inside straight through and enjoying it. I've become acclimated to KB and I'm relaxed and tuned in. However, I'm actually writing to ventilate a little about the privileged white boy in my Honors class who submitted a plagiarized paper that was also a POS even if it were original. I gave him a zero and he flunked the course. It's a pain in the ass but I'm turning him in to the appropriate LSU authorities. I'm not interested in his excuses, either. What he submitted is a slap in the face to the idea of an Honors program. In this age of shameless cheating, lying, abuse of women, children and minorities, and naked greed at the top, some of us have to take a stand for the old fashioned values of honesty, accountability, and fair play, right? The End. 💜

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