Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Them Heavy People (I should be grading tests but oh, well)

I listened to this one (and watched the official video) back when I was going through the songs my friend, the Kate Bush fanatic, posted on her page. And to be perfectly honest, dear reader, I found it annoying. My first impression was "giddy, silly, why does she have to say them heavy people instead of those heavy people?" Today, I want to listen with an open mind. I just blogged that Kate was writing the songs on The Kick Inside as a teenager emerging from the child's world and encountering all sorts of new and intriguing and confusing things. I recall when I was her age listening to songs and reading various books recommended by the hipsters of the day and trying to determine if they made valid sense or were just the trickery of clever hucksters. "Does Bob Dylan really have the answer?" Does Carlos Castenedas offer the secrets of wisdom and power revealed to him by the Yaqui sorcerer, Don Juan (um, nope!)?" So, here's Kate sounding once again like a character in a London reggae musical, half-serious, half-sarcastic, asking herself those sorts of questions, wanting to believe but bringing a healthy dose of skepticism to the table. I make a connection between Kate saying them heavy people and Eliza Doolittle talking Cockney (Then, they'll march you, 'Enry 'Iggins, to the wall! And the Queen will tell me, "Liza, sound the call!"). Besides, I write lyrics and sing songs with language I don't use in Real Life except when I'm being satirical.

I bet Kate Bush listened to a lot of musical soundtracks.

Watched the video again playing sound through PA speakers. Totally, over-the-top satirical! I'm OK with the song now. But I don't know about that outfit she has on.

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